The biggest change to housing law in Wales for decades is happening this year.
In 2016 the Welsh Government passed The Renting Homes (Wales) Act which will replace current housing legislation. Its purpose is to set up a single legal framework for social and private renting, enabling a ‘single social tenancy’ for Wales. The Act will change how all landlords rent their homes to improve how we provide, manage and live in rented homes in Wales. The new law will apply from 1 December 2022.
Here are some key points to be aware of:
The renting homes act will be introduced to the whole of Wales by 1 December 2022
New Terms
- Tai Calon Community Housing will be known as a Community Landlord.
- A Tenant will now be called a Contract Holder
- Tenancy will change to an Occupation Contract
- There will be two types of contracts – Secure and standard
- It will merge multiple housing legislations into one legal framework
- The Act will simplify and improve customers’ rights
- On 1 December 2022, every tenant in Wales will automatically enrolled onto the new contract
Tai Calon must also continue to make sure that your home is safe and secure to live in, such as completing our gas and electrical safety checks.
For more information about the Renting Homes Act, visit Welsh Government’s Renting Homes website.

Contract Guide