Originally published 10th January 2022
As of October 1st, 2021, The Tai Calon Employment & Skills Team became known as the Wellbeing Team.
The team’s makeup remains the same with Phil Meek as Wellbeing Team Manager and Darren Foote, Fleur Gladwin and Jo Reames as the Wellbeing Coaches. Each coach covering a specific valley.
Why the change?
Pre-pandemic, the teams work had naturally evolved from focusing on helping people into work. Instead, we found ourselves delivering interventions that were right for the individual – whatever that may be and no matter how far away they were from achieving sustainable employment.
Tai Calon has carved itself a niche in delivering a diverse range of programmes with a much broader wellbeing focus to people of all ages, for example, running sports camps for young people aged 8-14 to baking courses for residents.
Our delivery now involves a considerable amount of bespoke support while also dealing with multiple and complex barriers. These need a much broader focus than simply employment and skills.
What will change
Employment & Skills will still underpin everything we do. We’ll continue to work with our partners such as the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust, School of Hard Knocks, and Ffilm Cymru alongside the Job Centre and Communities 4 Work to support people into sustainable employment but with a broader holistic well-being by approaching Tenants and Residents of all ages. The Wellbeing Coaches will also engage with local community groups and support organisations alongside other Tai Calon Teams.
If you think the team can help you or somebody you know, please contact us on 0300 303 1717 or drop us an email at talktous@taicalon.org