We believe everyone deserves a cosy and safe home. We recently had a chance to show how much we care when we helped a tenant with a tricky problem.

In May 2023, a tenant moved into their new home, excited for a fresh start. By November, they noticed some dampness and let us know. We quickly jumped into action, checking everything carefully and getting a second opinion in December to make sure we understood the issue completely.

We fixed several things right away: we added better insulation in the loft, replaced a drafty door, treated some mould, and cleaned up debris. But we still saw some condensation problems, so we decided to investigate more.

To really understand what was going on, we set up special monitors in the home. We found out that the tenant was having trouble keeping the house warm enough because heating costs were high. With only two hours of heating each day during the coldest months, moisture from daily activities was settling on cold surfaces, causing condensation and mould.

Understanding the heating challenge, we used our customer service fund to help out. This support allowed the tenant to keep their home warm, which solved the condensation problem.

At Tai Calon, we’re committed to making sure every tenant has a happy and healthy home, and we’re really glad we could make a positive difference in this case!