Originally published 14th January 2022
We would like to let you know that IRT Surveys Ltd will conduct home energy efficiency surveys of Tai Calon homes using specialist Infrared thermal imaging equipment.
The surveys will begin week commencing the 31st January 2022 between 6pm and 1am. You may notice IRT vans, equipment and surveyors moving in and around your neighbourhood at night. This is because the best time to do thermal imaging surveys is at night when temperatures are cooler. Due to the surveys being external (usually taken from the road), there will be no need for any IRT team to enter homes. All IRT surveyors will carry identification which can be checked by contacting Tai Calon’s Customer Services Team. The surveys will be of Tai Calon homes only.
Who is IRT?
IRT Survey Ltd is a surveying company specialising in identifying what measures can be applied to homes in the UK to make them more energy-efficient. You can find out more about the company by visiting their website at www.irtsurveys.co.uk.
What is Infrared thermal imaging?
Infrared thermal imaging is a technique that uses specialist cameras (usually hand-held) to detect heat loss from a property. By identifying areas of heat loss from our properties, Tai Calon will better understand what future measures can make them more energy efficient.
What do we mean by “measures” and “retrofit”?
“Measures” refers to the types of works and or technologies that can suitably be fitted to a home to make it more energy-efficient. This could be improving the insulation properties of external walls (by applying external wall insulation) or fitting renewable technologies such as solar panels to the roof. Where measures are fitted to homes that have already been built, they are referred to as “Retrofit Measures”.
Why is Tai Calon undertaking these surveys?
Tai Calon has made a commitment in its 2021-2025 Corporate Plan to improve the energy efficiency of our homes. Making our homes greener is an important part of our overall efforts to help reduce the impact of climate change across Wales and improve our customers’ wellbeing. Climate change is a global issue with local consequences, including poorer air quality, increased temperatures, and local flooding.
When will surveys be undertaken?
Surveys will be carried out at night (starting week commencing the 31st January 2022) between 6pm, and 1am. Thermal images are taken outside your home, usually from the street/public highway.
Due to these surveys being at night, we will ensure that surveyors undertake their duties with minimal disruption. We understand that there may be some apprehension when observing individuals walking around your neighbourhood at night. However, we can assure you that surveyors will always conduct themselves in a professional manner and that their movements are being monitored by Tai Calon and logged with 101 and the local policing service. Local police are also visiting the areas that the surveyors are working in to check their identification.
What will our customers or homeowners need to do?
Due to the external surveys, there will be no need for people to be at home during the survey. Every effort will be taken to undertake surveys from the public highway; however, from time-to-time surveyors may need to step onto a property (driveway, path etc.) or peer over a hedge or fence, to be able to acquire optimal readings. As mentioned above, we will not be conducting surveys on any non-Tai Calon homes.
All surveyors carry identification, and their names and vehicle registration details have been logged with the police. Please contact our customer services team if you have any concerns. If you believe that a person is acting suspiciously and may not be one of these surveyors, please ring the police and report your concerns.
What about your privacy?
We would like to assure residents that their personal details are not held by surveyors, images taken cannot be seen through walls or glazing and will be only used to assess the condition of the property.
Where can you get further information?
For further information, please visit our website at www.taicalon.org or contact our Customer Services Team on 0300 303 1717 or email talktous@taicalon.org